Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013


A schema is a cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information. Schemas can be useful, because they allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting a vast amount of information. However, these mental frameworks also cause us to exclude pertinent information in favor of information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs and ideas. Schemas can contribute to stereotypes and make it difficult to retain new information that does not conform to our established schemas.Jean Piaget
A schema is a mental representation of some part of the world. In some learning theories, schemata are structures of knowledge. Schemata can also be understood as structures “for understanding a problem situation in general terms, as well as guiding problem-solving performance” (Anderson et al. 1981, 206). When learning new concepts, students use existing schemata to see if the new information relates in some way to previously understood concepts. New information is then “interpreted in terms of relevant preexisting schemata” (Rumelhart and Norman 1981, 335). Modification and refinement of schemata occur as learners engage in new experiences and have opportunities to apply modifications of their schemata to relevant situations. For example, when a teacher asks a kindergartener, “How many apples will you have if you already have two, and I give you one more?” the kindergartener relies upon his number sense schema to attack the problem. Eventually, the student figures out that two apples plus one apple equals three apples, refining his schema.
Anderson, J., J. Greeno, P. Kline, and D. Neves. 1981. Acquisition of problem-solving skill. In Cognitive skills and their acquisition, ed. J. Anderson, 131-230. San Francisco: Pfeiffer
Points in text
Extract 1
Extract 2
Starting sentence
It explain about meaning of schemata.
It more complete and understanding explain about schemata.
Description of Linguistics
It is simple description about schemata.
The description more detail.
Use of Andre reference
The quote is not supporting.
The reference to make the point more easier to understand.
Synthesis of ideas
Ideas are combined well, but irrelevant detail should be erased and needs development.
Ideas from two sources are well, more complete , and easy to understand by reader.
The writer start of a good attempt at critical writing. the information  needs to be clearer with better use of sources and his opinion.
This is a good attempt at critical writing. The writer of extract 2 try to  explain more clearly with his own opinion and  he has used source to support  his opinion.
a cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information
A schema is a mental representation of some part of the world. In some learning theories, schemata are structures of knowledge
Schemas can be useful, because they allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting a vast amount of information
Schemata can also be understood as structures “for understanding a problem situation in general terms, as well as guiding problem-solving performance”

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